Andrew Cotton

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Hell For Leather

The surf is absolutely pumping today; anyway check my new leather jacket from Analog. I just got it in the post today, which helped take my mind off life and the simple fact that the surf is actually quite good. Thinking about starting the ‘Hell for leather’ gang back up, which was a gang I used to be in way back in 2004. I was the only member with a scooter but it didn’t seem to matter as it was more about boozing and leather jackets than bikes and engine oil. We used to meet on Sundays, all sporting leather jackets, no tops of course. We hung out in our local haunt and man fest that is Billy Budds and The Thatch, drank beer and just generally looked freaking cool in our leather jackets. Actually thinking back we must have all looked pretty gay but that didn’t seem to matter after a few beers, as day turned into night and our behaviour slowly descended.
Hmmmm, maybe i won’t start up the gang again......

1 comment:

  1. Andrew Please link with us -
    Love the blog, we see guys in wetsuits wandering around Tesco Here all the time!
