Andrew Cotton

Monday 11 July 2011

A bit of bush

ANDREW COTTON PROFILE from wavedreamer on Vimeo.
Went and did some tow-ats with Dr Baker today, he may be an aerial specialist but I gave him a run for his money. When I was getting the ski out the water this guy passing asked ‘is your name Andrew’, I thought fair enough I’m sort of a big deal you know maybe he’s seen me in the mags or in the paper and maybe wants a autograph or photo but I Cooley said ‘yeah mate’ quietly waiting for a response he then said ‘I pulled you out a bush a few years back’ ‘I was driving through Croyde and saw some random legs sticking out a bush’ ‘I stopped and helped you out then you demanded I take you to instow for a free party’ I obviously have no recognition of this and was slightly miffed ‘really’ I asked but he assured me it happened so I thanked him then asked if he wanted me to sign anything.
Cheers mate, yep thanks for saving me from bush glad I made an impression. Mikey and Rich from wavedreamer have been working on my profile; they aim to make me professional so I suppose I won’t be saved from any bushes in the next few months, well maybe.

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