Andrew Cotton

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Knee TLC from Andy

So I don’t think I really explained in my last post, the reason I was actually in a London hospital was I was having a bit of knee TLC from this guy Mr Andrew Williams or ‘Andy the knee surgeon from London’ as I know him, nice bloke knows a lot about sports and tells me he even used to surf back in the day, although he was never very good he wishes he spent more time on it, I politely pointed out that if he had spent any time on it rather than perusing his interest in multi-ligament knee reconstruction he wouldn’t be where he is today, he just smiled and agreed. He is currently the primary knee surgeon for many of the UK’s professional sports teams including many premiership football clubs and Guinness premiership rugby clubs, he’s also the chap who operated on England cricketer Freddie Flintoff when he was having a bit of a scenario back along. Um so why did I get to see him? Is probably what you’re thinking, I don’t play team sports, I’ve never done anything for my country and I struggle to pay for a pint in Billy buds. not sure really I just asked him and he seemed keen, pretty lucky really.


  1. Nice needlework,Cotty!

    Speedy recovery to you!

  2. Get well soon Cotto...glad to see you havent lost your humour!
